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Brothers - Burroughs Index for Dublin Directory Cabina - Carmichael
Dublin City Directory 1850 : Burrowes - Byron
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Burrowes Burton Bury Busby Bushe
Bustard Butcher Butler Butt Butterly
Byrne Byron

and Co., 74 Grafton St (boot and shoe warehouse)
John, 1 Herbert St (Esq.)
Rev. Michael, 21 Richmond cottages
Mrs., 26 North Strand (occup not listed)
Peter, 98 Lower Leeson St (barrister - Trinity term 1839)-spelt Burroughs in general  listing
William, 5 Lennox place (collector, St. Peter's parish)
From the Law Directory (not listed at stated address)
Waldron, Kilbarrack House (barrister - Michaelmas term 1845)-outside area of Directory
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Frederick William, 2 Salem place, Adelaide Road (Esq.)
James, 48 Mary St (Esq.)
Mrs. S., 2 Salem place, Adelaide Road (occup not listed)
Thomas C., M.D., 8 Lower Merrion St (doctor)
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James, 1 Thundercut alley (hide and feather merchant)
James, 41 Queen St, Residence:Hope cottage, 28 York St, Kingstown (merchant)
John, 99-100 North King St (marine and bone merchant)
John, 74 Summerhill (occup not listed)
Richard, 2 North William St (saddler)
William, 2 Longford terrace, Phibsborough (occup not listed)
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Alexander, 36 Fleet St (tin-plate worker)
John, 12 Fumbally's lane (distiller)
John, Blackpitts and Warrenmount, Residence:Herbert lodge, Sydney avenue, Blackrock (distiller)
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Arthur, 5 Fitzwilliam Sq North (barrister - Trinity term 1826)
Arthur, 15 Lower Gloucester St North (solicitor)
John, 4 Crampton court (watch maker)
Mrs., 19 Bride St (provision dealer)
Thomas, 15 Lower Gloucester St North (solicitor)
Thomas, 42 Westland Row (marble yard)
Thomas, 24 Upper Merrion St (Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Ireland, barrister - Easter term 1824)
From the Law Directory (not listed at stated address)
Richard H., no address (barrister - Trinity term 1840
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Benjamin, 72 Thomas St (trimming warehouse)
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John Edward, 15 Mary's abbey (provision merchant)
Richard, M.D., 21 Herbert place (doctor)
Rev. Samuel, 13 Fitzwilliam Sq West (F.T.C.D.)
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and Archer, 58 North King St (corn factors)
and Scott, 51 Middle Abbey St (wine merchants) and 53 Lotts (wine vaults)
and Tully, 145 Upper Bride St (no such address)
Anthony, 19 Percy place (Esq.)
Charles, M.D., 54 Lower Sackville St Residence:Abbey view, Kill of the grange, Monkstown (doctor of medicine-Butler's Medical Hall)
Edwin, 83 South Great George's St (ironmonger)
Edwin, 16 Henry St (ironmonger)
Eliza, 172 New St (provision dealer)
Miss Ellen, 13 Charlemont mall (occup not listed)
Hon. H. Cavendish, 8 Upper Fitzwilliam St (occup not listed)
Henry Martin, Heathfield, 61 Upper Leeson St (Esq.)
J., 62 Bridgefoot St (grocer)-listed as T. in street listing
J.L., 3 Westmoreland St (Esq.)
James, 12 South Frederick St (solicitor)
James, 40 Prussia St (labourer)
James T., 23 Ellis quay (wax and tallow chandler)
John, 38 Patrick St (broker)
John, 18 Bishop St (dairy)
John, 8 Wellington place North (builder)
John Judkin, 62 Upper Gardiner St and 12 Bachelor's walk (marshal of the Record Court)
Joseph, 67-68 Brunswick St (rectifying distillery)
Joseph, 33 James' St (carpenter and builder)
Alderman Luke, 5 Christchurch place, 16 Kennedy's lane and 19 Windsor terrace, Kingstown (house-furnishing ironmonger, and hardware merchant) 
Martin, 63 Bridgefoot St (vintner)
Mrs., 12 Nelson St (seminary)
Nicholas, 140 Townsend St (vintner)
Robert, 192 Great Brunswick St and Baymount, Booterstown (solicitor)
Robert, 1 Essex bridge (spur manufacturer)
T., 62 Bridgefoot St (grocer)-listed as J. in general listing
Thomas, 4 Home Terrace, Haddington Road (Esq.)
Timothy, 4 Butler's buildings (coal factor)
Wilkin B., 31 Castle St (hat manufacturer)
William, 20 Northcourt cottages (occup not listed)
William Deane, 72 Stephen's green South (architect)
From the Law Directory (not listed at stated address)
Edward, no address (barrister - Easter term 1842)
James Junior, no address (barrister - Michaelmas term 1841)
John, 192 Great Brunswick St (solicitor)
Somerset, no address (barrister - Michaelmas term 1841)
Thomas Crawford, 54 Upper Dorset St (solicitor)
Walter R., no address (barrister - Easter term 1843)
William, 18 Upper Gardiner St (barrister - Hilary term 1839)
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Isaac,L.L.D., 72 Lower Leeson St (barrister - Michaelmas term 1838)
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John, 4 Protestant Row (lodgings)
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and Conan, 3 Eustace St (merchant tailors)
and Slevin, 1 Luke St (water bailiffs)
A., 1 Binn's court (broker)
A., 83 Lower Camden St (millinery and straw bonnet warerooms)
A., 26 Mary's lane (broker)
B. and A., 30 High St (haberdashers)
Andrew, 36 Lower Dorset St (provision dealer)
Andrew, 10 Wentworth place (dairy)
Anne, 7 Baggot lane (dairy)
Anne and Son, 13 and 14 New Row South (morocco leather manufacturers)
Arthur, 1 Little Mary St (hat warehouse)
B. Junior, 7 Eden quay (emigration agent)
Barry and Co., 10 Burgh quay (wholesale wine and spirit merchants)-Byrne, Barry and Co.
Bryan, 29 1/2 Cross Kevin St (dairy)
Catherine, 7 Sussex Terrace (provision dealer)
Catherine, 7 Cook St (provision dealer)
Catherine, 8 Blackhall row (victualler)
Catherine, 3 Leinster St (not listed at address)
Catherine, Northumberland St (dairy)
Catherine, 39 Amiens St (tobacco dealer)
Catherine, 3 Mary St (haberdasher)
Mrs. Catherine, 1 Great Longford St (occup not listed)
Charles, 20 Leinster market (occup not listed)
Charles, 22 Nelson St (Esq.)
Christopher, 57 and 60 Old Church St (coal dealer)
Christopher, 3 South Frederick St (vintner)
Denis, 44 Lower Kevin St (timber merchant)
E., 31 Denzille St (dairy)
Edward, 1 Haddington terrace (carpenter and builder)-spelt Edmond in street listing
Edward, 7 Trinity St (tailor)
Mrs. Elizabeth, 104 Lower Gardiner St (occup not listed)
Francis, 204 Great Britain St Residence:7 Castle avenue, Clontarf (pawnbroker)
Francis, 153 Old Church St (soap and tallow chandler, importer of matches and blacking)
George, 5 Foster terrace, Royal Canal Bank (occup not listed)
George, 5 Silver St (provision dealer)
George P., 26 Seville place (occup not listed)
Mrs. Harriet, 25 Lower Gloucester St North (occup not listed)
Henry, 90 Bride St (coach and harness maker and crest maker)
Henry, 16 Synge St (occup not listed)
Henry, 81 Patrick St (victualler)
Hugh, 2 Seville place (architect)
Hugh, 10 Mabbot St (city architect)
Hugh, 62 Stephen St (leather cutter)
J.E. and Co.,22 Lower Mecklenburgh St (grocers in general)
James, 42 James' St (tanner)
James, 6 Johnson's place (hosier and glover)
James, 111 Marlborough St (boot maker)
James, 43 Upper Abbey St (furniture broker)
James, 71 Wellington St (shoe maker)
James, 7 Chatham lane (poulterer)
James, 30 Meath St (carpenter)
James and Co., 6 Upper Granby Row (grocers)
James, 65 James' St (occup not listed)
James, 3 Crampton court (shell fish dealer)
James, 2 North Clarence St (boot and shoe maker)
James, 21 New Row South (leather manufacturer)
James, 4 Bridgefoot St (salt merchant)
James, 115 Upper Abbey St (cooper)
James, 29 New Row South (grocer)-address lists John.
James, 173 James' St (builder)
James, 18 North Clarence St (bricklayer)
James, Egg market (butter factor)
James, 43 Upper Kevin St (provision dealer)
James, 24 Mary's lane (broker)
James, 108 Townsend St (provision dealer)
James, 1 Wentworth terrace (occup not listed)
James, 6 Upper Liffey St (furniture warerooms)
James, 32 Essex quay (engraver)
John, 22 Wellington quay (hat manufacturers)-listed as Peter and Sons
John, 19 Upper Abbey St (cooper)
John, 19 Great Britain St (huxter)
John, 6 Townsend St (pawnbroker)
John, 30 High St (not listed - address lists Byrne, B.and A. haberdashers)
John C., 8 Annesley bridge (painter)
John, 6 Aldborough court (occup not listed)
John, 36 Moore St (poulterer)
John, 5 Ash St (furniture broker)
John, 17 Little Mary St (clothier)
John, 4 Little Mary St (hatter)
John, 19 Coleraine St (cabinet maker)
John, 119 James' St (hair dresser)
John, 127 Capel St (proprietor - City Tavern and Music Saloon)
John, Fish market (fish dealer)
John, 26 Park St East (provision dealer)
John, 45 Lower Kevin St (tenements - indiv occups not listed)
John, 2 Lower Merrion St (occup not listed)
John, 64 Summerhill (occup not listed)
John, 8 Camden place (boot and shoe maker)-also listed as John Byron
John, 13 Royal row (green grocer)
John Joseph, 6 Henry St (cabinet maker)
John Roe, 188 Great Brunswick St and Rockfield, Dundrum (attorney)
John Robinson, office, 74 Dame St Residence:Horton, Roundtown (solicitor)
Joseph, 39 Lower Charlemont St (dairyman)
Joseph, 33 Ellis' quay (hotel and tavern keeper)
Joseph, 23 Patrick St (clothier)
Joseph John, 10 Lower Mount St (Esq.)
Laurence, 6 Johnston's court East (dairy)
Laurence S., 23 Anglesea St (bookseller)
M., 32 South Great George's St (milliner)
M., 19 Exchequer St (clerk of the market)
M. and E., 18 Chatham St (straw bonnet warerooms)
Mark, 10 Smithfield (salesmaster)
Mark, 48 and 50 Back lane (currier)
Mark, 6 Warrington place (inspector of weights and measures)
Maria, 18 Essex quay (jeweller)
Maria, 23 Lower Exchange St (watchmaker)
Miss Mary, 38 Marlborough st (occup not listed)
Mary, 8 Lower Mecklenburgh St (dairy)
Mrs. Mary, 6 Phibsborough avenue (occup not listed)
Margaret, 89 Great Britain St (milliner)
Margaret, 27 Hanover St East (dairy)
Mathew, 124 Great Britain St (dairy)
Mrs. Matilda, 3 Florinda place (occup not listed)
Michael and Sons, 15 Bull alley (pork butchers and provision dealers)
Michael, 102 Francis St (trimmings, toyshop)
Michael, 70 Upper Dorset St (provision dealer)
Michael, 85 Francis St (canvas warehouse)
Michael, 1 Wood quay (confectioner)
Michael, 134 Upper Dorset St (dairyman)
Michael, 29 Lower Kevin St (not listed at address)
Michael Francis, 64 Lower Mountjoy St (occup not listed)
Miles, 18 Leinster market (victualler)
Miss, 34 Lower Dorset St (occup not listed)
Miss, 25 Gardiner's place (occup not listed)
Mortimer Michael, 77 Lower Camden St and Clonmore Castle, Co. Carlow (wine merchant) - see Mortimer listing
Mr., 103 Capel St (occup not listed)
Mrs., 4 Wesley place, Upper Leeson St (occup not listed)
Mrs., 11 Great Charles St (occup not listed)
Mrs., 2 Bloomfield (occup not listed)
Mrs., 6 Barrow St (occup not listed)
Mrs., 2 Nelson St (occup not listed)
Mrs., 28 Montgomery St (occup not listed)
Mrs., 3 Wentworth place (occup not listed)
Nicholas, 19 Lower Kevin St (livery lace weaver)
Owen, 17 Nicholas St (provision stores)
P.W., 3 and 4 North Wall quay (foreign spirit stores, United States and Colonial Packet office)
Patrick, 146 Francis St (new milk dairy)
Patrick, 4 Nicholas St (bakery)
Patrick, 32 Essex quay (engraver)
Patrick, 6 Ash St (furniture broker)
Patrick, 201 Great Britain St (baker and flour stores)
Patrick, 6 South King St (house painter)
Patrick, 34 South King St (boot and shoe maker)
Patrick, 19 Leinster market (green grocer)
Patrick, 88 Great Britain St (dairy)
Patrick, 10 Mabbott St (architect)
Patrick James, 24 Lower Ormond Quay (solicitor)
Patrick James, 37 South Frederick St and 1 Luke St (water bailiff)
Peter and Son., 22 Wellington quay (hat manufacturers)
Peter, 1 Barrow St (carpenter)
Peter, 21 North Clarence St (bricklayer)
Peter, 157 Old Church St (shoe maker)
Peter, 22 Mary St (boot and shoe maker)
Peter, 18 East Essex St (hat manufacturer)
Peter, 50 Dolphin's barn lane Residence:15 Rathmines Road (tanner)
Peter, 27 Wexford St (provision dealer)
R., 3 Harcourt Road (cigar shop)
Richard, 139 Capel St (merchant tailor)
Richard, 6 Blackpitts (silk weaver)
Simon, 132 Great Brunswick St (gentleman)
Teresa, 29 Smithfield (hay dealer)
Terence, 20 George's quay (vintner)
Thomas, 32 Bull alley (victualler)
Thomas, 2-4 Amiens St (corn factor)
Thomas, 4 Bayview avenue (occup not listed)
Thomas, 178 Townsend St (grocer)
Thomas, 4 Duke St (provision dealer)
Thomas, 29 Moore St (purveyor)
Thomas, 1 Temple lane South (glass merchant)
Thomas, 22 Park St East (victualler)
Thomas M.D., 54 South William St (doctor of medicine)
Thomas and Sons, 12 James' St East (carpenters)
Thomas C. and Co., 48 Capel St (chemists and druggists)
William, 30 Back lane (shoemaker's finder)
William, 5 Leinster market (victualler)
William, 14 Synnott place (brick merchant)
William, 35 Anglesea St (bookseller)-also listed as William Byron
William, 97 Summerhill (occup not listed)-spelt Bryan in street listing
William, 100 Great Britain St (tailor)
William, 7 Shoe lane (tenements-indiv occups not listed)
William, 6 Richmond cottages (tenements-indiv occups not listed)
From the Law Directory (not listed at stated address)
Bernard, 45 Marlborough St (solicitor)
Frederick, 98 Lower Gardiner St (solicitor)
N., 40 Dame St (solicitor)
Peter, 40 Dame St (solicitor)
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John, 8 Camden place (boot and shoe maker)-also listed as John Byrne
John Denis, 14 Upper Mount St (Esq.)
William, 35 Anglesea St (bookseller)-also listed as William Byrne
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